Are You a Candidate for Regenerative Medicine?

Are You a Candidate for Regenerative Medicine?

Orthopedic practice is changing rapidly as new medical advances emerge. 

Our board-certified orthopedic surgeons at Delta Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine keep abreast of the research on musculoskeletal injuries and diseases. We’re using regenerative medicine to help heal several musculoskeletal conditions, including some cases of osteoarthritis and soft tissue injuries. 

Regenerative medicine harnesses the body’s own mechanisms to speed up the healing process. 

One form of regenerative medicine is platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which has been used during surgery to promote cell healing for more than 30 years. From that auspicious beginning, PRP is now revolutionizing orthopedic practice. 

Using PRP to promote cell healing during surgery was a harbinger for using it to help heal joint injury and disease as well as soft tissue injury. Also, research is ongoing on the use of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) injections for the same issues. 

Following are the types of health conditions that regenerative medicine can help tame in many patients. Results do vary; not everyone may benefit. 


Knee osteoarthritis presents a huge drain on productivity worldwide due to patients' loss of mobility and workplace disability claims. The knee is the joint most frequently affected with osteoarthritis. 

Studies conclude that PRP and mesenchymal stem cell injections are effective for mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis. Although more research needs to be done, PRP is a promising treatment for hip, shoulder, and ankle joints. 

PRP rushes oxygen and other important nutrients to your joints, reduces inflammation, and triggers the production of collagen, a key protein that is the building block for bones, skin, and other soft tissue. 

The research shows that PRP has no deleterious side effects and is safe and well tolerated by patients. Using PRP may delay or even prevent surgery. 

Soft tissue injuries 

Speaking of muscles, those that cover two joints — the hamstring, quadriceps, and hip flexor muscles — are especially prone to injury. PRP shows promise for effective use with muscle strains. Its use calms swelling and pain and promotes quicker healing. 

PRP is now an important tool in the orthopedic toolbox. When combined with traditional treatment such as physical therapy, patients heal faster than with traditional treatments alone. 

Research also indicates that PRP is effective for some tendon injuries that normally are slow to heal. Your blood vessels carry nutrients throughout your body where they’re needed. However, tendons have weak blood flow. PRP speeds up and enhances the amount of nutrients flowing into the tendons. 

The following are common tendon injuries that can be treated with PRP to aid healing:  

Your orthopedic surgeon reviews your medical history and medications to determine if you’re a candidate for PRP or stem cell treatment. If you have a health condition like bone or blood cancer or anemia, PRP isn’t the right treatment for you. If you’re not a candidate, we have other approaches that work well.   

Call the office or book an appointment online with Delta Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine today for the most advanced treatment available for musculoskeletal injuries. We have offices in West Memphis, Arkansas, and Collierville, Tennessee.

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